Tag Archives: indianapolis legal aid society

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Voyles in the IN Lawyer: Putting Renowned Criminal Defense Lawyer Voyles on Hot Seat Pays Off for Legal Aid

James Voyles was featured in the September 21, 2016 edition of the Indiana Lawyer in an article titled “Putting Renowned Criminal Defense Lawyer Voyles on Hot Seat Pays Off for Legal Aid.” Voyles is the subject of the Indiana Legal Aid Society’s 75th Anniversary Roast on Friday, September 23, 2016, at the Crane Bay Event Center, beginning at 6:30 pm.

The Indianapolis Legal Aid Society is dedicated to ensuring that qualified low-income persons living in the Central Indiana community have access to quality legal assistance for civil disputes.

Media Contact

Voyles Vaiana Lukemeyer Baldwin & Webb

211 North Pennsylvania Street Suite 2400
Indianapolis, IN 46204

(317) 632-4463

The views expressed in the blog are not necessarily those of the firm and are not intended to be used as legal advice.